Voice of E-version 

2006-01-10 Tue

主题 : great wall of china

发件人 : Julia Blakely
发送 : 2005年3月24日 15:20:34
收件人 :
主题 : great wall of china


My friend told me that a man recently tried to walk through the great wall and got stuck inside it. He said that they have x-rayed the wall and can see him trapped inside the stones. I did not believe this. So I have been researching this but so far found nothing. That does not surprise me as I do not think it is true.

I read that David Copperfield succeeded in creating the illusion of passing through the wall, but that was a magic trick.

Please let me know if you have ever heard of this man stuck in the wall.

Thanks kindly,


antelope于 2006-01-10 18:10:03 发表在分类:records
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