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Official Name:µ±Àɺú¶´³¤³Ç1¶Î
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Period:±±Îº / Northern Wei 386~534
Location: ÄÚÃɹÅ×ÔÖÎÇø,ÎÚÀ¼²ì²¼ÊÐ,²ì¹þ¶ûÓÒÒíºóÆì,Æðµã:µ±Àɺú¶´ËÕľµ±Àɺú¶´´å±±1.2ǧÃ×Ö¹µã:µ±Àɺú¶´ËÕľµ±Àɺú¶´´åÎ÷±±1.7ǧÃ× / NeiMengGuZiZhiQu,WuLanChaBuShi,ChaHaErYouYiHouQi,QiDianDangLangHuDongSuMuDangLangHuDongCunBei12QianMiZhiDianDangLangHuDongSuMuDangLangHuDongCunXiBei17QianMi
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Details:³¤³ÇÀà±ð£ºÇ½Ìå Æðµã¾­Î³¸ß¶È£º¶«¾­£º112¡ã 54¡ä ±±Î³£º41¡ã 40¡ä º£°Î£º1378 Öյ㾭γ¸ß¶È£º¶«¾­£º112¡ã 53¡ä ±±Î³£º41¡ã 40¡ä º£°Î£º1398 ǽÌå×ßÏò£º ǽÌåÀà±ð£ºÍÁǽ ½á¹¹Ìص㼰¹¹Öþ·½Ê½£ºÆÊÃæ³ÊÌÝÐΣ¬»ù¿í¶¥Õ­£¬ÏòÉÏÓÐÊÕ·Ö£¬µ×¿í4-5Ã×£¬¶¥¿í1.5-2Ã×£¬¸ß0.5-1.5Ã×£¬º»²ãÄÒÔ×ÔÈ»³Á»ý²ãΪ»ù´¡£¬»ÆÍÁº»Öþ£¬ÆÊÃæ³ÊÌÝÐΣ¬»ù¿í¶¥Õ­£¬ÏòÉÏÓÐÊÕ·Ö¡£ ÏÖ×´£º
Type:ÍÁǽ Rammed earth wall
Protection Level:ÎÞ ¡¡
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
Distribution:visit location in Google Map
Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:150928382101060017
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