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Official Name:侯家窑长城
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Period:秦汉 / Qin Dynasty 221~206 B.C.
Location: 内蒙古自治区,包头市,固阳县,起点:银号镇侯家窑村东北1.6千米止点:银号镇侯家窑村西北1.4千米 / NeiMengGuZiZhiQu,BaoTouShi,GuYangXian,QiDianYinHaoZhenHouJiaYaoCunDongBei16QianMiZhiDianYinHaoZhenHouJiaYaoCunXiBei14QianMi
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Details:长城类别:墙体 起点经纬高度:东经:110° 32′ 北纬:41° 05′ 海拔:1991 终点经纬高度:东经:110° 31′ 北纬:41° 05′ 海拔:1925 墙体走向: 墙体类别:土墙 结构特点及构筑方式:剖面略呈半圆形。基础不详,现存墙体高0.5米-1.5米,宽1米-4米。剖面略呈半圆形。 现状:土墙,从现存墙体来看应是堆土墙。此段长城位于侯家窑村北边的山梁上,大体呈东-西走向,全长1674米,全部为保存差。
Type:土墙 Rammed earth wall
Protection Level:国保  
Other Records:
Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
Distribution:visit location in Google Map
Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:150222382101030016
The original number submitted by the local government :150222382101040016
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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前二圈长城4段     Caption:前二圈长城4段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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前二圈长城4段     Caption:前二圈长城4段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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前二圈长城4段     Caption:前二圈长城4段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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前二圈长城4段     Caption:前二圈长城4段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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前二圈长城4段     Caption:前二圈长城4段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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